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Bears? MN!

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Didn't know if you were afraid of bears and wolves. I forgot to mention we
have those here too. You have to be fairly North to run into them though.
We have them on our property. We had a strange night. About 2:30 am there
was a coyote pack so close that when they howled Dave and I both sat
straight up in bed. While that is not strange for me, it was for hubby, he
sleeps through just about everything. It sounded like they were right
outside our bedroom window. They weren't. Son and hubby quickly dress and
grabbed the guns fearing that they were in the chicken coop. Just as
suddenly the howling stopped. Then about a half hour later as the men
waited in the dark, a different howling commenced. This time it was wolves.
Pretty eerie....Deanna