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Beatitudes for a Housewife Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Beatitudes for a Housewife"
Blessed is she whose daily tasks are a labor of love; for her willing hand and happy heart translate duty into privilege, and her labor becomes a service to God and all mankind.
Blessed is she who opens the door to welcome both stranger and well-loved friend; for gracious hospitality is a test of brotherly love.
Blesses is she who mends stockings and toys and broken hearts, for her understanding is a balm to humanity.
Blessed is she who children love, for the love of a child is more to be valued that a fortune or fame.
Blessed is she who sings at her work; for music lightens the heaviest load and brightens the dullest chore.
Blessed is she who dusts away doubt and fear and sweeps out the cobwebs of confusion; for her faith will triumph over all adversity.
Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles with every meal; for her buoyancy of spirit is an aid to mental and physical digestion.
Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of the  Christian home; for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity.
"There Are Ten Traits Which Make a Good Person"
means standing up for what is right for you and for other people.
means noticing when others need help and then helping them.
means doing things to help your school, town, and nation live and work
well together by cooperating and solving problems.
means acting bravely by doing what you know is right and good.
means working to make things fair and equal for everyone.
means you are truthful, and own up to things you have done that might
not always be right.
means working for the goals of your community, and being proud of your
means being thoughtful about what others want and believe.
means taking care of work that needs to be done, and putting it first
before things you like to do.
means you can be trusted, you can be counted on to do what you say you'll do.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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