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Beloved Mother Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Special Prayer Request For Jayce"
Jayce was born on May 11, 2006 at 27 weeks. On June 9th he started showing symptoms of NEC. June 11th, Jayce had surgery. They took out 3/4 of the small intestine.
On Aug 23rd, Jayce came home. He required home-health nurses 7days a week.
On Oct 19th Jayce was admitted  because of an infection. He had surgery on Oct 27th to reconnect his intestines, but on Nov 6th they found that it didn't work, and he was leaking into his tummy. So, they had to go back in & take his intestines back apart.
January 9th he was moved to Childrens Hospital & remains there to this day.
To date Jayce has had 15 surgeries & still possibly more to come. So far there is no word as to when he will be able to come out of the hospital.
Jayce is back in ICU as of May 3rd.
Jayce has since had more surgery and is so far still in ICU.
Please keep Jayce in prayer and also the rest of the family as this has been a very hard time for them.
Thank You for taking time to read this and for your prayers for Jayce.
Update As Of May 10th:
Jayce is improving and has been put back on the active list for a liver transplant. Jayce will be one year old tomorrow.
We Wish All The Mothers, Grandmothers, And Stepmothers A Very Happy Mother's Day.
Dave and Barbara
"Beloved Mother"
The tears were rolling down her cheeks as she stood there alone,
As she read "a beloved Mother" etched across the stone.
Ten months had passed since it was placed upon this piece of sod,
And also words etched on the stone said "she is now with God."
This Mother's Day will come and go and she won't celebrate,
So many things she would have said but now it is too late.
She should have told her Mother many things before she died,
But she had been too busy and she had not even tried.
She should have told her Mother when she thinks back through the years,
How she loved her childhood and how Mom dispelled the fears,
Of the childhood demons that when growing up appear.
How Mom was always there for her with every passing year.
She should have told her Mother she knew that she wasn't mean,
When that one time she had rebelled when she was just a teen.
She made it through her teenage years as children always do,
And now she knows and whisper's softly "Mom because of you."
As a young adult her Mother helped her find her way,
Encouragement and guidance with the words that she would say.
Never did she fault her when mistakes would come along,
She always said "just learn from them and see that they were wrong."
Another tear rolls down her cheek and drips without a choice,
If only she had one more chance to hear her Mother's voice.
To tell her that she loved her and the things she didn't say,
She should have said so many things before she went away.
She thinks about the Mother's Days gone by with just a token,
Token gifts were not enough now that her heart is broken.
She should have spent the entire day devoted to her Mother,
And laughed and reminisced the past and shared with one another.
But she had done her duty as so many others do,
Stopped to give a token gift before the day was through.
Rushing through her busy day and running out of hours,
Never taking time as said "to stop and smell the flowers."
Now she smells the flowers that she placed upon the ground,
But now she smells them all alone and does not hear a sound.
She whispers softly to her Mother hoping that she hears,
And says I love you mommy as she wipes away more tears.
I love you for the years you gave to love and nurture me,
I love you for the sacrifice you gave unselfishly.
I love you and I realize how much you loved me too,
I only wish this Mother's Day I could have spent with you.
If only I had one more chance but now it is too late,
On every Mother's Day I know I wouldn't hesitate,
To show you if for just one day a love that is sincere,
And also reinforce that love on each day of the year.
I know that many others race through life as I have done,
And never take the time to stop and thank that special one.
My only prayer today for those with mothers in their prime,
On this Mother's Day please let her know while there's still time.
A day will come when you will wish you had just one more day,
To tell her things you wanted too but never got to say.
So as for token gifts and such that you may get for her,
I know a hug and "I love you" is what she would prefer.
Don't let this life go racing by, and slow down if you must,
Worldly things don't mean a thing they only rot and rust.
Stop and smell the flowers and forget all of the strive,
And hug and tell that special woman "Thank you Mom for life."
Heaven lit up with His mighty presence,
As all the Angels looked down,
Today the Lord was placing the jewels,
In all the mother's crowns.
As He held up a golden crown,
As all the mother's looked on,
He said in His gentle voice,
"I just want to explain each stone".
He held the first gem in His hand
But the radiance couldn't match His own.
For He was the light of Heaven,
Reflecting off each of the stones.
"The first gem," He said, "is an emerald,
And it's for endurance alone,
For all the nights you waited up.
For your children to come home.
For all the nights by their bedside,
You stayed till the fever went down,
For nursing every little wound,
I add this emerald to your crown."
"A ruby, I'll place by the emerald,
For leading your child in the right way,
For if you hadn't taught them about me,
They wouldn't be here with you today.
For always being right there,
Thru all life's important events,
I give you a sapphire stone,
For the time and love you spent."
"For untying the strings that held them,
When they grew up and left home,
I give you this one for courage."
Then the Lord added an amethyst stone.
"I'll place a stone of garnet,"He said,
"For all the times you spent on your knees,
When you asked me to take care of your children,
And them for having faith in me."
"I have a pearl for every little sacrifice,
That you made without them knowing,
For all the times you went without,
To keep them happy, healthy, and growing."
"And last of all I have a diamond,
The greatest of all gems,
For those mother's who lost their children,
When they came home to heaven before them."
"This is the most precious sacrifice,
So I give the most precious stone,
For I know just how you felt,
I too lost a child of my own."
After the Lord placed the last jewel in,
He said, "Heaven is now complete,
For every mother has her crown of jewels,
And all her children are at her feet."
author unknown
Have a Blessed Mother's Day
Dave and Barbara
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