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Bible Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


'Twas the night Jesus came and all through the house,
not a person was praying, not one in the house...
The Bible was left on the shelf without care,
for no one thought Jesus would come there...
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
not once ever kneeling or bowing their head...
And Mom in the rocking chair with babe on her lap,
was watching the Late Show as I took a nap...
When out of the east there rose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter...
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutters and lifted the sash...
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but Angels proclaiming that Jesus was here...
The light of His face made me cover my head,
it was Jesus returning just like He'd said...
And though I possess worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself...
In the Book of Life which he held in his hand,
was written the name of every saved man...
He spoke not a word as he searched for my name,
when He said "it's not here," my head hung in shame...

The people whose names had been written with love,
He gathered to take to his Father above...
With those who were ready He rose without sound,
while all of the others were left standing around...
I fell to my knees but it was too late,
I'd waited too long and thus sealed my fate...
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight,
Oh, if only I'd known that this was the night...
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear
the coming of Jesus is now drawing near...
There's only one life and when comes the last call,
We'll find out that the Bible was true after all...
B Basic
I Instruction
B Before
L Leaving
E Earth



Although many reading this article are familiar, even
with spiritual formation, you may find the following
a helpful tool as you attempt to define spiritual
formation for

Spiritual formation is the process of being conformed
to the
image of Christ by the gracious working of God's
spirit, for
the transformation of the world.

1. a process:
gradual, life-long movement, not single, momentous
goes against grain of "quick-fix, instant results,
Five Easy
Steps" culture draws us by God's magnetic attraction,
our desire for God

2. of being conformed to the image of Christ:
Christ is the image of God made visible to us
image of Christ is pattern of human wholeness -- we
share God's
image (Gen.1:26) God's likeness feels strange since we
misshapen by images of worldly culture the Christ
image heals,
renews, restores us moves us from being centered in
self to being
centered in God

3. by the gracious working of God's spirit:
we want to make things happen in our self-reliant
but cannot conform ourselves to Christ by own will
we can open ourselves to gracious working of God's
the Spirit enables us to choose way of Christ over
grace helps us give reins of control to God and to
with Spirit we resist Spirit's work because change in
ideas/habits/behaviors is scary spiritual disciplines
(practices) are ways of opening ourselves to grace

4. for the transformation of the world:
being like Christ means living in self-giving love
spiritual life not about "me" but about the world God
as we are conformed to Christ we embody more of God's
for others
fruits of spiritual formation are compassion,
truthfulness, reconciliation
transformed persons are leaven for transforming the


Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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