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Big Day tomorrow

Posted by: Goatsnsoaps <Goatsnsoaps@...>

Well tomorrow my twins will start kindergarten ;0( I have so many mixed
emotions. It will be a tough day. My oldest daughter also starts
highschool, which is another tough one to swollow. 2 in highschool, one in
4th grade and 2 in kindergarten. Where did the time go? The girls will be
in different classes, even after speaking with the principle. From what I've
found out, the teachers have totally opposite teaching styles. one is a lot
of hands on, one is more paperwork, one gives homework (please... this is
kindergarten, uggh) the other doesn't. One is really funloving
affectionate. the other is more down to business. Its going to be
interesting. There's an article in todays paper abouta new program, virtual
charter school, I'm not sure but this might be a sign
