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binding to custom object
1,678 Posts
#1 · September 20, 2012, 5:30 am
Quote from Forum Archives on September 20, 2012, 5:30 amPosted by: nerimic <nerimic@...> is a very interesting trick.To binding a custom object (exposed in implementation) in a subclass of NSView you could bind it with a different standard binding (i.e. toolTip) and then edit the .xib file to use the custom binding.Then in IB you see the binding to the correct object.With this trick and the magic of Core Data I've written my first Cocoa application for OSX very quickly.Michele.
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Posted by: nerimic <nerimic@...>
This is a very interesting trick.
To binding a custom object (exposed in implementation) in a subclass of NSView you could bind it with a different standard binding (i.e. toolTip) and then edit the .xib file to use the custom binding.
Then in IB you see the binding to the correct object.
With this trick and the magic of Core Data I've written my first Cocoa application for OSX very quickly.
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