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Bole weavils - information please?

Posted by: natural_essentials <natural_essentials@...>

Last night I was getting some flour out of my pantry and thought I had
found mouse droppings - which is odd in itself because we have never had
problems with mice with so many cats in the house! My husband said that
it wasn't mouse, but bole weavils. I've never seen them before, but sure
enough, they were moving. After pulling everything out and inspecting,
all of my flour dry goods had the bugs in them. Gross, I lost tons of
special flours, very disappointing not to mention the cost.

I've never had a problem with them before, and I'm a bit baffled because
I had just washed down the pantry about a week or two ago - and I hadn't
bought any new dry goods since, so I couldn't have brought anything in
that was contaminated. Also, usually when I buy a new flour I first put
it in the freezer. I've heard this will kill any mealy bug larvae that
may be present. Anyway, how could I have gotten them? Do I need to do
anything other than throwing everything out and bleaching the pantry? I
also had a large bag of mung beans that appears to be infected as well.
Do I need to check all items in my pantry, sugars (the sugars appeared to
be ok so far), spices, all dry goods? Or do they only like flours. I
did throw away all the flours, but could I have cleaned it (sifted) and
used it instead? Is there any danger to doing that, like if there are
eggs in the dry goods? What about mealy worms? Any danger there, or do
you just take them out as well and still use it? (I've always wondered
that). Is it just basically kinda gross so you don't want to eat it or
should you really not? Is there any way to prevent them from coming
back? I'd really rather NOT use any kind of insecticide since it is a
food pantry. How does everyone store your flours? I'm just so thankful
that I had not bought a ton of wheat yet - do they even go for the whole

Any advice will be MOST appreciated.

God Bless!

Life is Good!

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