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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

'KUNDALINI WARNING' - Newest Edition

BOOK GIVEAWAY - Literally!

FROM RECENT REVIEWS - "Lots of ahh moments... Very
interesting and insightful. I recommend this book to everyone"...
"Makes you want to really be walking close to the Lord Jesus so
you don't get into deception"... "This was eye opening. I will be
a lot more discerning in the future."


-The story of a mass spiritual "invasion" of the church - and the
fight to keep it out.
-It "names names" and gives facts, details and eyewitness
accounts that cannot be denied.
-What are Kundalini spirits and how do we recognize them?
-Has there really been a "Civil War" in the church for the last
20 years?
-A whole section entitled "BILL JOHNSON & the NEW AGE".
-Undeniable proof showing how deeply 'New Age' Bethel has
become behind the scenes.
-Glossy paperback - 128 pages. Your friends need to read it!


When we give books away like this, all we ask is that people pay
the postage so we can get it to them. But if people could consider
giving an extra donat|on, we would be very grateful. The postage
amount for the USA, Canada, UK, and the world is only US $2.60
in American dollars. For Australia it is $3.10 and for NZ it is
$2.50. Simply pay the postage and we will be happy to send this
book to you.

But if you wish to send an actual Donat|on, that would be a big
help to us. This is entirely up to you, my friends.


The first thing to do if you want this book is to REPLY TO THIS
EMAIL so we know how many people want it.

And the second thing is to SEND the amount that you have decided.
Here are the best ways to send the money to us-

(1) PAYPAL - the easy and secure way to donate online. If you
want to use Paypal, please go to our webpage below to do this-

(2) BY MAIL. We can accept checks or cash from any Western
nation (including USA and UK) - but not Money Orders. If you
would like to send cash or a check, here is our address to send
it to-

Andrew Strom,
PO Box 69-091,
Auckland 0645,
New Zealand.

(-Checks to simply be made out to- "Andrew Strom". And we will
get the book off to you ASAP).

I look forward to hearing back from you if you want this book, my

Thanks so much, and God bless you!

Andrew Strom.