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Branson and Storms

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


~~~ "Branson and storms" ~~~
Branson and I used to go for early morning walks
around the yard, before we moved back to the city.
Here is a story from one of our walks.
We went for a walk early one morning and as usual, my dog Branson, walked beside me. These early morning walks allowed me time to think about and talk to God. As I walked, I thought about
all of the things that were going on in my life. Worries, concerns, doubts, all were weighing heavily on my heart. Then, I heard the noise of gun shots in the distance.
Now, Branson is a great dog. She loves us, plays with every one, watches over our house, and loves to be petted and loved. She hates gun fire! She hates thunder! These scare her to the point of trembling. This morning was no different. She would shy away at the sound of each gun shot. I spoke to her to settle her down, but it seemed to do no good. Finally, I got a little frustrated with her.
"What are you afraid of?  Don't you know those shots are not meant for you?  Besides, I'm here with you and you have no reason to be afraid."
After that, as each storm came, Branson learned to trust me, because she knew I loved her and only wanted to help her.  Branson has learned to rely on me.
Have you ever talked to yourself without knowing it? The Lord spoke to my heart and told me pretty much what I had just told Branson. The distant rumble of my worries, concerns and doubts were simply that!  Distant!
I could not tell Branson what I had learned, but Our Father, talked to me and told me not to worry about the future.  I knew that day God would take care of us.
Althought it's not always easy for me to understand, I've learned that God has brought us through all of the worries and storms, without our help.  We rely on Him, just as Branson has learned to rely on me during storms.
Bigguy 2003
<>< Our Lives Are In God's Hands ><>
Our lives are in God's loving hands
We know this to be true,
For He is with us constantly
He's part of all we do.
And if our faith is strong enough
We'll never walk alone,
For with His great and perfect love
He takes care of His own.
So any time that trials or burdens
Seem to come your way,
Find strength and hope in knowing
God is with you every day.
<>< The Word ><> 
 The Most Selfish One-Letter Word
Avoid It
The Most Satisfying Two-Letter Word
Use It
The Most Poisonous Three-Letter Word
Kill It
The Most Used Four-Letter Word
Value It
The Most Pleasing Five Letter Word
Keep It
The Fastest Spreading Six-Letter Word
Ignore It
The Hardest Working Seven Letter Word
Achieve It
The Most Enviable Eight-Letter Word
Distance It
The Most Powerful Nine-Letter Word
Acquire It
The Most Essential Ten-Letter Word
Trust It
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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