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Bridge To Hawaii

Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

.. . . then there's the guy strolling down the beach found a bottle with
a Genie in it. The Genie was sick and tired of people bothering him,
but agreed to grant this man one wish. This man had always dreamed of
going to Hawaii, but was afraid to fly.

"Genie," the man asked, "Can you build a bridge to Hawaii so I could
drive there instead of flying?"

The Genie replied, "Are you kidding? The logistics are almost
impossible. . . do you know how much cement I would need? . . . how
would I stablize it to the bottom of the ocean? . . . what materials
could I use to keep it from eroding? Choose another wish!"

So the man asked, "Genie, I would like to understand women . . .
completely. How they think . . . why they ignore me all the time
.. . . how to please them . . . what to say and do . . . I want to feel
their souls . . ."

The Genie replied, "Do you want 2 lanes or 4 on the bridge?"