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BURNING BUSH DEVOTIONAL: How to continue receiving by Email.

Posted by: theburningbushdevotional <theburningbushdevotional@...>

This is the last day that I can send email using the free christian list service. I have been using this service for more than 20 years thanks to Glen Stewart who is the owner of the list service. He is ending the service.

I am in the process of obtaining another email list service to continue sending the devotional by email. It is not free so I am only going to send the email to those who respond to [email protected] with CONTINUE in the email or similar statement.
You can monitor the new website: for updates in the Wrather Thoughts or the blurb on right hand side about how to subscribe to the devotional email.
I do appreciate and pray for you all who have encouraged and supported me by your participation and prayers over the years. Hopefully, the devotional can continue for many more years.
Praying for you,
Ed Wrather (No longer being updated) (Rarely updated)


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