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CALLED TO the MOUNTAIN - Wilkerson

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

by David Wilkerson

"Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in
His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart" (Psalm 24:3-4).

>From the very beginning, God has been calling holy men to the
mountain of his presence to hear from heaven. He called Abraham
to a mountain to prove him and bring him into close union with
himself (see Genesis 22:2). Abraham received the knowledge of
who God was as he put the knife to his own son - and God
provided the ram as a sacrifice instead of Isaac: "He said, `Do not
lay your hand on the lad´ ... Then Abraham lifted his eyes and
looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in the thicket"
(Genesis 22:12-13).

Moses was drawn by God to Mount Horeb, where he received
his call to lead Israel out of bondage. And Moses was taken
back to the mountain every time God wanted to speak to his
people: "And Moses went up the mount to God, and Jehovah
called for him from the mountain" (Exodus 19:3, Hebrew Bible).

Peter was on the mount, in the presence of God, when he heard
the voice of the Lord. "And we heard this voice which came from
heaven, when we were with Him on the holy mountain" (2 Peter 1:18).

The mountaintop is not easily reached. You enter through the
secret closet and you stay, willing to risk everything to be alone
in God's holy presence until your soul is on fire. It is reached
by coming back every day, going higher each time, over rocks
and precipices of opposition-and there is no turning back until
the summit is reached. No one gets to the summit of God's
presence with one-hour devotions. It must become a way of life.

The revelation of Christ is too vast to ever be fully comprehended.
But those who are shut in with God in prayer gain an ever-growing
apprehension of Christ as the Holy Spirit reveals him in the heart.
Get back to the secret closet and be renewed by the Lord´s glorious
presence. You can have a "mountaintop experience" where your
joy is restored and your life takes on new purpose and direction.


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