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"Can I See a Miracle"

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Can I See a Miracle"
Can I see a miracle
Coming from God's love
Can I wish on a star I see, shining
From up above
Can I see a miracle
For someone I hold dear
Can I stop my crying
Year after year
Can I see the sun, way up high
If I send a kiss to the wind
Will God catch it in the sky
Can I find the hope I need
If I hold in my hands, a butterfly
Will Jesus know I care for him
If I carry a cross of gold
Can he read my mind
Or does he have to be told
Can I see a miracle
For someone who is my life
I want to hear the birds sing
The flowers as they grow
I want to be a part of it
For it is everything I know
Can you my Dearest Jesus
Make a miracle for me
I am just a little child
In your eyes I want to see
Make someone I care for
A person I really need
Give them back their life
Can you do it, just for me
I believe I have seen a miracle
A golden light came through
It was so beautiful, it was everything I knew
I saw Jesus hand and I held my breath
Jesus put His love on the one I love the best
I have seen a miracle
Thank you blessed one
You came from the Father
You my Lord Jesus
Is kind and I am eternity yours
May I walk a while, with you
Your love is the greatest of them all.
Linda Ann Henry
Working hard, filling our days,
Meeting deadlines, getting caught in a maze.
Caring for family, spending quality time,
All of this before the midnight chime.
Making goals, seeing them through,
Knowing others are watching to see how you do.
Someone is waiting - it's a rush, so just hurry
No time to saunter, just get ready and scurry!
Another day comes, a repeat of the last.
The hours fill up, then the day is past.
How can we stop this roller coaster ride?
We're missing the real life - the much brighter side.
Seeking our purpose, we search 'til we drop,
Too weary to pursue it, but not ready to stop.
Which purpose is the one meant just for us?
It is all so complex - such a bother and fuss!
Ah, now I understand, I am beginning to see.
Life is our bridge to eternity!
In order to get t here, our focus must change.
It may be difficult and seem a little strange.
The first step is the most important of all -
To set aside OUR goals and listen for God's call.
Relinquishing our needs, we begin to understand.
We need to seek guidance about what God has planned.
God, our own creator, knows what is best for us.
He'll provide what we need if we let go and trust.
When we lean upon Him, He will guide our way.
Life will have real meaning as we embrace each day!
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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