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Posted by: stampinbookworm <stampinbookworm@...>

I'm wondering if anyone has any canning recipes to share. Admittedly right now I have NO canning supplies whatsoever and probably won't be able to get any at least until August...because June I'll be in Roseburg, Oregon visiting with my folks...will be back in July just in time to throw myself into VBS and Boys/Girls Camp. Also we are moving on the first of June to an as yet unspecified location (I'm still looking!) which probably will not have a place for a garden. Our town however does have Farmers Market and they start up again soon this month.... I guess I'm asking about recipes for dill pickles (our family loves them and they are sooo expensive in the stores dills are our daughter can go through a whole big jar in two days!), freezer jam, canned fruits such as oranges, applesauce, apple butter, dried or flash frozen fruits?, etc. We are NOT a fan of canned tomato sauces much because it causes heartburn but I do love fresh tomatoes and will eat those a lot during the summer months...especially beefsteaks. Any ideas? Any help would be appreciated.

Vaughnde Lee
Missoula, Montana