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Can't remember if I shared this

Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>

I can't remember if I shared this here or not...

This past Sunday morning (note: it was actually a few weeks ago now) I arrived at church for worship practice for the morning services (we have two Sunday morning services).  We were getting a loud hiss from my channel, and the bass player's channel wasn't working at all.  After about 30 minutes and systematically replacing components on the platform we decided that the hiss was not coming from any of my equipment, but from the sound system itself. I decided to skip the early service and go home and get my amp (we had a bass amp sitting on the platform that was unused).  I went home and had been there about 3 minutes when we got a phone call from our neighbor telling us that his wife was having difficulty breathing.  Jen (my wife who is a PA) and I (a pharmacist) ran across the street with our kit - we keep an emergency medical kit ( a "doctor" bag) at the house.  We ran in the neighbor's house and I saw that she was using her neck muscles to breathe, which is a bad sign, it means that the respiratory muscles are getting tired and she's using other muscles to get air into her lungs.  We called 911 and Jen listened to her lung sounds and she had respiratory wheezes in all lung fields.  In the meantime I was going through her medicine cabinet writing down all her meds for the EMTs.  They gave her a breathing treatment in the ambulance, and she got another at the ER.  They did a chest x-ray and a CT and found that she had a diffuse pneumonitis (inflammation of the lung tissue), and that the cause was unknown.  They gave her some meds, made her an appointment with a pulmonologist for a bronchoscopy, and released her.

I had been pretty peeved that the sound system wasn't working.  But God had other plans for me that morning.  I went back Sunday evening to get my guitar and the worship leader asked, "What happened to you?  We thought you were coming back."  So I told the story.  God's providence is an amazing thing.



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