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CD GIVEAWAY -"The Gathering" Sermons

Posted by: revival4 <revival4@...>

From: Andrew Strom.

C.D GIVEAWAY - 2 CD's with 160 mins of audio from
the recent 'GATHERING' in Blue Springs, USA.

-All available at NO CHARGE.

Sermons Included on these 2 CD's:

-"The Wilderness Experience" - Bryan Hupperts.

-"The John the Baptists" - Lawrence Banda.

-"The Elijahs of God" - Andrew Strom. (-Plus more...)

Dear friends,
in the past we have always made CD's and books
available for "any donation" or even just 'postage money'. But
this time I feel led to do it differently.

You don't have to send ANY money at all to get these CD's.
All you have to do is post us a letter with a few lines saying
why you want them. (-Via snail-mail, not by email). And we
will send these CD's to you free of charge.

If people want to include a donation then that is fine. But if
not, then that is fine too. We are making these CD's available
whether you donate anything or not.

Here is all you need to do:

First, REPLY to this email, to let us know that you are ordering
a set of these CD's. (Limit - one set per person).

Secondly, post us a letter stating briefly why you want these
CD's. (-Please include your mailing address). Here is where
to post your letter to:

Andrew Strom,
PO Box 9852,
Kansas City,
MO 64134,

That is ALL you need to do! And when we get your letter, we will
get the CD's off to you ASAP.

I look forward to hearing back from you if you want these CD's,
my friends.

God bless you all!

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.