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Cereal Recipes

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Hello Dear Sisters,

Today I made granola for my family. I was thinking a good question (well not really a question) for the week would be to share recipes for granolas or other cereals that you can eat in a bowl with milk. Let's limit it to cold cereals since summer is here. Also, make it a recipe that is tried and true in your house. Here is mine!!

Granola Cereal

Dry Part

8 cups of freshly rolled oats or oatmeal ( In place of part of this, I roll barley, millet, buckwheat and even sometimes basmati rice)

3 cups freshly ground whole wheat flour

½ Tbs. salt

The rest of these are optional, and you can add other things that you would like.

1 cup raisins

1 cup pecans, or any other nut or combination of nuts

1 cup sunflower seeds

1 cup whole millet ( I only add between ½ and ¾ cup)

1 cup dried pineapples or other dried fruits

Wet Part

½ cup water

½ cup oil

½ cup molasses

¾ cup honey

2 Tbs. vanilla

Combine the dry all together. I then sprinkle cinnamon on top of this dry stuff and mix it in. If you like to taste your cinnamon more, than sprinkle it on top after you have it in the pans. Combine the wet all together. Mix the 2 together. Spread out in 2 cake pans. Bake at 250° for one hour, stirring every 15 min. Let cool and then store in either a jar, or a plastic container.

Only by His merciful grace,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.