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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-Andrew Strom.

NOTE: People have been asking me - "Why use the 'JOHN THE
BAPTIST' tag for things?" Well, to me, John the Baptist stood
for three main things: (1) A piercing and fiery word of Repentance;
(2) The "Restoration of all things" (Mt 17:11); and (3) "Preparing
the way of the Lord." -All of which are crucial things that God's
endtime people need to stand for as well.


We currently have a whole new website nearing completion -
designed to help people on this List talk to each other, discuss
issues, post responses, find like-minded people, etc. It will have
Live 'chat' rooms and all kinds of things. We expect it to be
complete within about two weeks from now. -All of this is part of
our commitment to make this List far more 'interactive' and also
allow people to connect to others in their region if they want to.


You already know about the upcoming 'John the Baptist' Conferences
in Dallas and Minnesota. We also have at least eleven more that
will be taking place this year. Most of them are confirmed already.
We are trying to make it so that there is a Conference within driving
distance - wherever you are in the Continental USA. Here are the
places we plan to hold them over the next six months or so:

Pennsylvania, Galveston/ Houston (TX), Michigan, Colorado Springs,
Phoenix (AZ), Dallas (TX), Portland (OR), Orlando (FL), New
England, Atlanta (GA), Los Angeles (CA). As I said, most of these
are already confirmed or in the process of being confirmed. There
are other possibilities also. (-Please save any questions. We will let
you know the details later).

There is one fairly "central" one that I want to emphasise. -This is
the Conference in Colorado Springs. It has a large room so we can
seat more people than usual. DATES- July 14-16 (Thurs - Sat).
This might be a good one to come to if you are in the central part
of the country and you missed the Kansas City one. I will let you
know more details before too long.


We have had about 400 people respond to our call for 'Facilitators'
from around the globe - mainly within the USA. We are definitely
moving ahead with 'connecting' people and so-on.

You already know about the Conferences in the USA. It is possible
that we may also be able to hold 'John the Baptist' events in some
places overseas next year (Scotland, Ireland, England, Australia,
South Africa, etc - these are all possibilites). But we just need to
get a sense of where God is taking us in all of this. It was clear
when God sent me to the USA that He wanted me to focus my
attention on this nation. I actually believe that the Western nations
are far more "needy" spiritually than the Developing nations right
now. If any countries need a "John the Baptist" word at this
moment, it is the Western ones. -Don't you agree? And despite
it's physical wealth, the USA is the most "needy" of all in many
ways. -That is what God has placed on my heart.

What the Conferences are allowing us to do is actually MEET
many 'Facilitators', and also lay FOUNDATIONS for what we believe
God wants to do. Also, the Conferences often CONNECT people
with others in their region. -People get together in and around the
Conference itself - and we certainly encourage that to happen.

We are hoping that many small prayer-groups will spring up
spontaneously as people discover one another. I truly feel that GOD
is putting all of this together, not us.

This is an exciting year, my friends. I will keep you in touch with
what is happening.

God bless you all!

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.