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Best Strings For Transducer Bridge Electric

Posted by: stebbutt <stebbutt@...>

Just a clarification - this should have read EXL110's (D'addario) strings wrote:
> Hi All,
> Hope you all had a good summer.
> I've got a Godin XTSA electric with a transducer bridge, so it can
> play electric and "acoustic" simultaneously, with separate outputs for
> each.
> It can sound really great on the acoustic side with the right strings,
> but I've been finding strings to be hit and miss. I've had a few sets
> of EXP110's on it, but the last couple have tended to sound really
> jangly, even after a pro re-setup.
> Anyone out there have experience with an electric with a transducer
> bridge (Fender Deluxe, Parkers, etc), that can suggest the best and
> most reliable strings to get a nice consistent acoustic sound. The
> electric side is pretty forgiving with whatever strings I put on, so
> that's not a huge issue. It also has built in synth tracking, but I
> use it very rarely, so it is also not at issue.
> By the way, the versatility of this guitar setup is absolutely made
> for leading/playing worship, in case anybody might be considering a
> new purchase in the future.
> Thanks,
> Stacy
> --
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