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Covering humbuckers

Posted by: stebbutt <stebbutt@...>

Hey Douglas,

I bought an aftermarket pickguard from an eBay store about 6 months ago
from a store called Dazbootman Pickguards.

I don't know if they have their own site or if they are only on eBay,
but it might be worth a look.


Douglas Anderson wrote:
> The SG came with uncovered humbuckers, which I've never been
> particularly fond of. Musicians Friend has Gibson humbucker covers
> for about $18 each, and StewMac has them for about $9 each. Is it
> very difficult to put pickup covers on and what is involved? It
> shouldn't change the sound, should it?
> I'd also like to change the pickguard to maybe black pearloid. But
> that looks like it would have to be custom made. Does anyone have a
> source?