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dead Digi's aren't much fun

Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>

On 7/16/2010 6:21 PM, Kevin Sluder wrote:

<blockquote cite="mid:0200909D33E542F280B0DA3F2D96EBE3@KEVINPC" type="cite">

Any Digitech fans want to offer a review or thought?

I'm not a big Digitech fan, though I have nothing against them... BUT... I was wondering... I have a Pocket POD that doesn't get much use.  One of many toys I've bought that I simply don't have time to play with.  I don't want to get rid of it, though.  I would loan it to you if you need something to get some decent sounds through until you can replace your Digi.  Just send it back when you're done.  Interested?



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