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Guitar Chords

Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>

> Sigh. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture
> (particularly if you're as inarticulate as I am).
> Had I typed what I intended, that would have said pinky on the treble
> string (and the 3rd finger fretting the low G, 2nd finger hitting the
> B on the fifth string, like this):

I've played that G chord with my pinky on the treble E many times, and
I've even jumped from the D chord to do it that way because of the chord
that came after it (i.e. one of those cool G-hammer-on-C thingies, or
another chord where my fingers need to be in that position). I like
your Dad's theory of economy of motion. I've been using a LOT of
economy lately, with most of my chords being two-note double-stops.
When, say, a G6 or G2 or something like that is called for I never know
exactly what our acoustic player and keyboard player are actually going
to play - actually, the main problem is the keyboard player who plays by
ear, the acoustic guitar player is very good. Playing a G power chord
saves a LOT of clashing.

> My dad is probably shifting in bed in the nursing home right about
> now, wondering what that sudden shooting pain in his neck is all about....

At least we know that his neck pain isn't from trying to get his pinky
on the bass G note while playing a G chord...



Phil 4:13

"The ultimate determinant in the struggle now going on for the world will not be bombs and rockets but a test of wills and ideas-a trial of spiritual resolve: the values we hold, the beliefs we cherish and the ideals to which we are dedicated."
-Ronald Reagan