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ChristianGuitar on Facebook
4,709 Posts
#1 · February 25, 2014, 12:04 pm
Quote from Forum Archives on February 25, 2014, 12:04 pmPosted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
In order to bring us into the 21st century I've created a Facebook page
for the group. It is a closed group, so you have to ask to join. I
chose a closed group because I don't want to attract a lot of
non-Christians who want to argue - this email list is a closed group as
[email protected]Phil 4:13
Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
In order to bring us into the 21st century I've created a Facebook page
for the group. It is a closed group, so you have to ask to join. I
chose a closed group because I don't want to attract a lot of
non-Christians who want to argue - this email list is a closed group as
for the group. It is a closed group, so you have to ask to join. I
chose a closed group because I don't want to attract a lot of
non-Christians who want to argue - this email list is a closed group as
[email protected]
Phil 4:13
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