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Practice Amp

Posted by: srolfe <srolfe@...>

No experience with the VT30, but the VT15 is a very cool living room amp. It doesn't do the Line 6 "throw away all your pedals" thing very well, because of severe level jumps between patches. Still, it makes a great front end for a pedalboard, and doubles as a decent cheap recording amp.

If the VT30 has enough extra power to handle your drummer, it could be just the ticket.

Something else to check out- I know a couple of guitarists who use the small Orange solid-state combo as a stage monitor. It sounds surprisingly good, although tone-wise it's more of a "character amp" than the Vox- kind of a love-it-or-leave it proposition.

The small Tech 21 combo also sounds good, but not in the same league as the Orange or the Vox to my ears.

I think that's pretty much it for serious amps in that price bracket.

My Tweed Deluxe kit
amp would kill any of them, and a friend's modded Orange Tiny Terror sounds great with an Alnico Weber 12", but either of those options would put you up over $1,000.

--- On Mon, 7/27/09, Wesly Smith <; wrote:

Hi all,

I'm looking for a small, lightweight practice amp.  As a little background, I currently play a Strat into a Digitech GNX4...

...I started thinking about a smaller practice amp.  I've was thinking of something simple, but the Vox Valvetronix VT30 has caught my eye recently.  ...I like the ...versatility. Also, I can get it for 15% off, bringing it close to my original price range.I need something that can rock, but also give me more of a jazzier tone when the mood strikes. 

...Any thoughts on anything else within a
$230 price range, or have any thoughts on the VT30?

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