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Question about guitar stand tubing

Posted by: stebbutt <stebbutt@...>

Okay, this is bound to spark debate, but so be it.

I have re-tubed my guitar stands for years using hobby store fuel line. Both stands I have are pretty generic double forked guitar stands and they each use 1/4" inner diameter tubing. Outer diameter really doesn't matter as long as it has enough cushioning.

Now the issue becomes, that this tubing is silicone, not latex. I know that in some circles silicone has a bad name when it comes to affecting guitar finishes, but I've never had a problem. It seems that the silicone issue looks to be more confined to polishes anyway, and not stand tubing. The tubing itself has practically the same consistency and feel as the latex.

As far as putting it on the stand, you will need some kind of lubricant to slide on the metal post, whether it's silicone or latex. I've found a schmeer of mineral oil on the post works well.

The nice thing about the fuel line is that it comes many colors, it is pretty standard at 1/4" and you can find it in almost any hobby store, or just order it from one online. I have electric blue stands right now..


On 08/02/2011 4:20 PM, Douglas Anderson wrote: <blockquote cite="" type="cite"> Odd question... I've got a couple of old guitar stands that are perfectly functional, except my cat tried to eat the tubing and it is pretty chewed up.  Does anyone know what diameter tubing is usually on these things and where to get replacement tubing?  I would think some good surgical tubing would work, but I have no earthly idea where to get it.

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