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Radio Play - How d'ya get there?

Posted by: dmcevoy <dmcevoy@...>

They have to be 16-22, from the West Coast, and sound like rap or death

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stan Travis" <>
To: "Christian Guitar" <>;
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 7:11 PM
Subject: [ChristianGuitar] Radio Play - How d'ya get there?

I have some good friends who form a Christian band called Fourth Man
Standing. You can check them out at if ya like.
They're quite good. The sound is a mix of Allman Bros., Dooby Bros., Bruce
Hornsby and Michael Card, with some BG Gospel on the side,....and my man
can handle a flatpick.

Here's the deal. They have this CD,'s all original music,'s
pretty dog gone good, and they have delivered copies to every Christian
radio station in the area, trying to gey some air play.

Finally, I hand carry a package to WayFm, here in Franklin, Tn and follow
up with an email asking to hear sonme of these songs on the airwaves. In
fact several folks emailed the music producer at the station asking the
same. Some got answes,....not me,.....but the reply was simply, that they
cannot play these songs because they aren't with a national label or
registered with someting that didn't make a heck of alot of sense to me (in
part because I didn't see the email first hand).

Can someone please explain the politics of airplay? AND, do you go
about entering this circle?

Many thanks,

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