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Re: Volume pedals

Posted by: srolfe <srolfe@...>

Do you use a Boss Tuner pedal, with it first in line?

If so, then your bass is always buffered. Get the 25K.

If you go straight (bass > cable > volume pedal > cable > amp, then it's your call.  Things to consider:
- Some people (like me) use a volume pedal for swells or a bowed bass effect. For that, you want a nice, predictable taper.
- Others use it like a glorified mute switch. In that case, taper doesn't matter, so get the 250K to be safe with passive basses.
- How often do you use the Squire? Will you even be using the volume pedal with it?

From: Douglas Anderson <[email protected]&gt;
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:46:01 AM
Subject: [ChristianGuitar] Re: [CB] Volume pedals

On 8/28/2013 7:53 PM, STEVE ROLFE wrote:
Do you mean high or low value, like the 25K and 250K Ernie Ball pedals?

If so, the 25K is designed for active outputs. It gives a more predictable taper when inserted in line after an onboard preamp, EMG pickups, or a pedal that is always-on, or doesn't have true bypass. The 25K pretty much has to go after some sort of active preamp or pedal. If you plug a passive bass straight into it without some sort of buffer, it will load the bass down and make it sound mushy.
The 250K is designed to go right after a passive instrument (or a passive instrument into a rarely-on pedal with true bypass). The 250K will work after pedals, but the taper will be a little off- not so great for swells.

Okay, so the bass I play most of the time has active pickups, but everyone once in a while I play my Squier Jazz with Basslines. Which vol pedal would I want to get?

--  Douglas [email protected]">[email protected]  Phil 4:13

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