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Teaching My Kid Guitar

Posted by: twheeler <twheeler@...>

Personal opinion (and nothing more), coming from an acoustic / folksy / bluegrass / singer-songwriter perspective:  start him on a decent quality ⅞ size acoustic dread or OM.  You can get a decent guitar for not too much, and either do a good setup yourself or pay someone to do it.  My 10-year old has a Breedlove, it has worked out beautifully.  There are other good options out there too, depending on your budget.


Tilman (Trey) Wheeler, AIA, NCARB
Vice President
TWH Architects, Inc.

651 East Fourth Street
Suite 500
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37403
(423) 756-5046 office
(423) 364-4937 mobile

On May 1, 2013, at 10:58 AM, Wesly Smith <> wrote:

My nine year old son has expressed interest in learning guitar. Does anyone have thoughts on whether it's best to start with acoustic verses electric? He wants to learn electric.

Also, he's left-handed. I know there are left-handed who learn to play on right-handed guitars, but would it be better to get him a left-handed?

I'd appreciate any advice you have on these questions or anything else on the topic I haven't thought to ask.


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