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Worship Songs

Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>

At 06:49 PM 2/12/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a question for the members of the Christian Guitar List:
>What would you say are the 5 presently most popular worship songs (and
>artist name if you have it) used for worship at your church. When I led
>worship, there were certain songs that really seemed to move the
>congregation, songs that they really enjoyed worshipping to. I'm hoping
>to find ideas for new songs.

I don't know if still does but the CCLI website used to list the top 5
worship songs in America.


Phil 4:13

"We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail."
- George W. Bush, Sept. 20, 2001