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Posted by: mctbeardorton <mctbeardorton@...>

I think it was Pat that sent a picture  of her living room after she did her cleaning . I guess that gave me the "boost" i needed. Yesterday  I washed off my front porch and put cushion back in chair, pulled some weeds and raked a little, cleaned my living room , Today I went for blood work, had oil changed in car, cleaned downstairs bathroom . , cleaned outside of kitchen cabinets with "Regard" , cleaned glass in my front door and back door, dusted my dining room chairs ,  ( I will get the table, hutch and tea cart tomorrow) mopped kitchen ,dining room, and foyer. Cleaning is not so bad , its the moving stuff, and going up and down steps. And I cleaned base boards and chair rail . I am ready for bed .I moved everything in living room except  entertainment center and a curio cabinet. I am too tired  to make a picture and send. Maybe tomorrow. Pat, I loved those lamps at your windows.  carolyn