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Co-Laborers in God's Harvest

Posted by: Asn <Asn@...>

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. I Corinthians 3:6-7 RSV

This very scripture came to light while I was mowing the jungle once affectionately known as our back yard. One of our pleasant pastimes is watching the birds feeding at the various feeding stations located there. My husband devotedly cares for the birds because, if it were up to me to remember to feed them, we would have seriously undernourished birds. So, hubby feeds the birds, the birds scatter the seed, the dogs fertilize the yard, and God graciously grants the increase - a lush maze of unidentifiable weeds!

It was dusk when the mower and I accepted the challenge of the back yard. Soon I was stepping in things I was glad I couldn't see (try not to think about it, okay?) and dodging the hanging bird bath that delights in pouring cold, slimy water down my back. (Did I mention that hubby cares for the birds?) My fellow harvester (the lawnmower) nearly gave out a time or two and had to be coaxed into persistance, but we resolutely saw the mission through to completion.

I'm being facetious, but the point is still true: you may be the one who sends the planters; you may be a planter; you may be the one who fertilizes the soil so the seed can take root; or you may be the harvester. You may fill different roles with different people on different days. But each of us has a job to do, an assignment to fill, a harvest to gather. Let God lead you to someone who needs to know His grace. And don't forget to encourage fellow harvesters who are getting weary.

Heavenly Father, truly the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Send laborers into Your harvest fields, oh God. Give us divine appointments with those who are hungry, searching, longing for Your love and forgiveness. Give us words of hope, words of life. In Jesus' name. Amen.