God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
It is good to understand that Christ’s service never did secure a man from all the ills that flesh is heir to, and never will. If you are a believer, you must reckon on having your share of sickness and pain, of sorrow and tears, of losses and crosses, of deaths and bereavements, of partings and separations, of vexations and disappointments, so long as you are in the body. Christ never undertakes that you shall get to heaven without these. He has undertaken that all who come to Him shall have all things pertaining to life and godliness; but He has never undertaken that He will make them prosperous, or rich, or healthy, and that death and sorrow shall never come to their family.
I am working with someone in a counseling format about young adults living together. I'm seeking your Biblical incite and experiential knowledge on this topic. Thanks for your help.
Posted by: preacherman <preacherman@...>
I am working with someone in a counseling format about young adults living together. I'm seeking your Biblical incite and experiential knowledge on this topic. Thanks for your help.