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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-Andrew Strom.

As many of you know, we have been in Wales these past months
on a 6-month visa. Our excursion here began with a "Revival and
Prayer" Gathering at Moriah Chapel, and it looks like it will end
with the Sermonindex Revival Conference at Moriah in November -
where we join Paul Washer, Carter Conlon and others. It has been
a blessed time - and we are very glad that God led us to come.
But we always knew that without a miracle we would be having to
leave before long. The visa situation can be quite difficult here.

Interestingly, my wife has felt for many months that God may have
us visit the USA once again. It has been a long time since we were
last there, and much has happened while we have been away. We
would love to come and minister amongst the remnant in North
America once again. This is quite a critical hour.

If you have a group in the USA or Canada - and would like us to
come minister while we are in that part of the world - then please
reply to this email. We plan to arrive in late November - and hope
to spend at least 3 months there.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers, my friends - even to
stay in Wales until Nov. (-ie. for our UK visa to last until then).
November looks like a very busy month, as I am due in Uganda
for 11 days, as well as Gatherings in England and Wales. And
then there is the question of our long-term future also. Your prayers
are hugely appreciated. Thankyou so much.

I look forward to your replies if you have a group in the USA or
Canada that wants to invite us, my friends.

My email is -

God bless you all!

Andrew Strom.