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committment to marraige illustration

Posted by: pastormike <pastormike@...>

Dr. Charles Swindoll, outstanding preacher and host of the popular radio program, “Insight For Living,” and his wife Cynthia declare their commitment to each other several times a year. He says, “We get alone, often for an overnight somewhere cozy and private. While there, we look at each other and verbalize our promise to remain faithful. We actually declare aloud our commitment. We can’t explain how or why it works, but there’s something reassuring about putting things like that into words. As our ears hear what our mouths are saying (from our hearts, actually), our loyalty is reaffirmed.”
Such a practice would probably strengthen many marriages. Some of us need to renew our commitment to our children as well.
A very busy man of God said recently, “I have a date with my boys just like I have an appointment with anyone else; and when something tries to break in on that, I say I have an appointment.” There is a man whose priorities are in their proper order.