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CONFERENCE DETAILS - 'John the Baptist' Conference

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

[Venue & Hotel info below]

The "JOHN THE BAPTIST" Conference
FREE ENTRY - March 4 - 6.

For those who have not heard yet, we are holding a special
conference in Kansas City in early March. Entry is no charge.
Everyone is welcome.

Speakers -
LAWRENCE BANDA (-ex Zambia, Africa)
DOUG PERRY (-Kansas City Businessman & speaker)
JAMES SMITH (-young, ex-skinhead prophet) + more.

PLACE - The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn, Olathe,
Kansas (-which is in the southwest of Kansas City).
ADDRESS - 101 W 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66061.

NOTE - This area is full of inexpensive hotels and restaurants, and
close to Highway I-35.

DIRECTIONS - Get on I-35 Highway, heading towards Olathe, KS.
Take Exit 215. The Holiday Inn is just off the Highway.

CONFERENCE SESSIONS - Fri (Mar 4): 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Sat (Mar 5): 10am - 1pm, 2pm - 5pm, 6:30pm - 9:30pm.
Sun (Mar 6): 2pm - 5pm, 6:30pm - 9:30pm.

[Please make sure you ask for the SPECIAL room-rate for the "John
the Baptist" Christian Conference when you make your booking.]

1) MICROTEL INN, Olathe - Ph. (913) 397-9455.
Room-Rate (couple / single) - $42.50 per night. (Includes breakfast)

2) ECONO LODGE, Olathe - Ph. 1-877 829-1312.
Room-Rate (couple / single) - $44.00 per night. (Includes breakfast)

3) SLEEP INN, Olathe - Ph. 1-888 286-0966.
Room-Rate (couple / single) - $57.00 per night. (Includes breakfast)

4) HOLIDAY INN, Olathe - (Where the CONFERENCE is held).
Ph. (913) 829-4000.
Room-Rate (Up to 4 people) - $67.00 per night.

We strongly encourage everyone to book their accomodation early
for this conference. Simply phone and make your own reservation.
Please remember to ask for the special conference rate.

We are very excited at what God wants to do during this time.
It is now less than two months away. I believe this will be the
most important conference we have ever held. Please ask God
whether He wants you to be here.

God bless you all,

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.