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Conference FEEDBACK

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

BELOW: Emails from people who attended the 'John-the-Baptist'
Conference last weekend:
Laurie writes:
"It was great to know that I am not "alone" and that there are
others who carry the same burden..."
Jennifer writes:
"Well, it was life-changing to say the least. God did a mighty
work in my husband and I and we’ll never be the same... we
experienced on Sunday at our prayer meeting, that we are all
supposed to use our gifts and edify each other, instead of one
pastor controlling everything. It was just like the Book of Acts
church that day. Each one had a word, a prayer, a psalm
(spontaneous, without music, and we all joined in.) And funny
thing is, they were all old songs, like hymns, and God really
showed up.... we feel encouraged, yet altered in the spirit.
We have encountered a greater level of Christianity that has
challenged us to go higher, and really begin to seek God like never before."
GA writes:
"I was at the conference this weekend and it was such a blessing
to see so many like minded people at one place, we thought we
were all alone out here... We have a very small fellowship that
meets together - the setting is much like that of the conference,
we firmly believe in the body ministering to the body.

The night before your wrote the battle plan the Lord woke me
and had me to pray Joel 2. In Joel 2 It talks about a great army
moving in step and no-one's breaking ranks to move ahead of the
other, and the message they bring would cause great pain and
anguish, but it also says that mighty is the people who executes
the Word...."
Kirsten writes:
"I was at the conference and I just want to say, 'Praise God!'
This was like nothing I've ever experienced either. I didn't expect
it to be what God made it to be and I am truly, truly blessed
and deeply changed. I would like to reserve a set of the CD's
already, and I would like to know if they are able to be copied
to spread the word further?

[MODERATOR: Yes, when the CD's come out next week, they
will be available for "any donation" and you can copy them as
much as you like! ]
Ian writes:
"Powerful, I have not been to a meeting where hearts were so
hungry for a move of God. A good beginning! I am more than
willing to host a John the Baptist Conference in New Jersey. I
do not kwow if the church is ready but we need to call them!
I need your help in finding a few with a heart and passion to
pray for revival in NJ. I do know some that will pray but need to
build a bigger fire!"
Jennifer writes
"Those in my group from Minnesota, and I have been changed
deeply and encouraged tremendously in God by this past
Lynne writes:
"I had never been to a conference before, but the Lord had told
me to come to this one. It was a very new experience for me.
My daughter and I felt very blessed..."
Tim writes:
"Thank you so much for holding the John the Baptist Conference.
I will never be the same. The Lord has been on me and with me
since I left for home early Sunday."

MODERATOR: I am not publishing these emails to say "Look
what a great conference we had" but rather to set the stage for
the future. This was by far the most anointed and effective
gathering we have ever held, and I believe it is simply a "beginning"
and a 'First step' towards what God is wanting to take place all
over the country. There was a "newness" to it that was a real
eye-opener for me. I believe that this whole thing already has
"momentum" in the spirit, and all we need to do is keep pace and
move forward as God leads. Something new is underway. -I can
feel it - and I too was very changed by this Conference.

Looking forward to the future!

God bless you all.

-Andrew Strom.