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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

I forgot my Lord in the summertime
Just the time I was needed most.
I was not away, but on each Lord's Day
I just failed to be at my post.
I forgot my church in the summertime
And lazily lay in bed.
While the faithful few had my work to do,
I was spiritually dead.
I forgot my offering in the summertime
When He needed it most of all.
While my cash was spent,
I was pleasure bent,
Just off duty for God until fall.
I forgot my soul in the summertime,
Got along without spiritual food.
While my Lord on high sent me blessings,
I showed Him naught but ingratitude.
If my Lord should come in the summertime
When from duty to God I'm free,
Wonder what I'll do when my life is through,
If by chance He should forget me.
Author Unknown

Faithful, Oh Lord, Is what I want to be.
Faithful, Lord, so I can see.
Faithful, Lord, for who you are in me.
Faithful, Lord, to set those in bondage free.
Faithful, Lord, to reach a higher calling in my life.
Faithful, Lord, to be delivered from strife.
Faithful, to keep thy holy word.
Faithful, because I have heard.
Faithful, to show you, I have observed.
Faithful, to be obedient to your commandments.
Faithful, for you have sent the way.
Faithful, Lord, to pray, night and day.
Faithful, for You do not change.
Faithful, to me ~ my life blessed, rearranged.
Faithful, to be holy.
Faithful, my life's story.
Faithful, as You, my Lord, for all you do.
Faithful, by example, Lord, I want to come through.
Faithful, not doubting that right.
Faithful, in the darkest of night.
Faithful, Oh Lord, I long to be.
Faithful, for in Your faithfulness,
You sent Christ to save me.
Faithful, is what He did on the cross.
Faithful, obedient to take my sin, the loss.
Faithful, to remember with all my heart.
Faithful, even when I do not know where to start.
Faithful, to know Your love will show.
Faithful, to help me grow.
Faithful, for I know You, the Lord,
Are faithful and so much more.
Psalms 42:1- As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.
Jesus is an ever present help in time of trouble Psalms 46:1
No matter what our lives are like, no matter what we may be going through,
Jesus is the one thing we can count on.
He never tires of us and he won't change. Jesus never fails us, nor does he fail to love us even in our worst times...
Jesus is there my friends..Though people let us down,
WE can trust and lean on Jesus 24 hours a day.
For Jesus never sleeps nor slumbers. He won't never fail us. He is faithful.
Have a Blessed Weekend
Dave and Barbara
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