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Crucibles for Transformation into Exceptional Christlikeness

Posted by: joerevesz <joerevesz@...>

Crucibles for Transformation into Exceptional Christlikeness is my short email devotional ministry that goes out Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  It shows that the best way to become like Jesus, to increase worship of God, and to prepare for heaven are Christian friendships, Christian families, and Christian marriages obeying the Bible's instructions for relationships. 



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Dick Wulf



Crucibles for Transformation into Exceptional Christlikeness


"I have been enjoying the Crucibles immensely.  The Crucibles have really opened my eyes to the notion that we are living an eternal life now, saved by grace, that allows us to focus on being together as part of the Kingdom - preparing for life in heaven rather than a moment of death here on Earth. I've been doing my best to incorporate what I've learned so far into my daily existence."

          United Airlines pilot, Christian author, was combat pilot in Air Force


"Thank you so much for sharing your insights about how we can interact with fellow believers here on earth, preparing us for eternity with them in heaven! I love reading "Crucibles" and look forward to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday when a new one is waiting for me in my e-mail."

          Senior Citizen, Female


"Great Crucible! [Re. Bearing with One Another] Learning the ability to handle unjust treatment is a running theme in my life lately. Reading your examples gives me encouragement to stay calm in the face of these trials, knowing that people are watching."

          Thirty-Something, Male


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