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Current game working great for us

Posted by: crhuckabay <crhuckabay@...>

Hi all,

I am currently running a periodic game with five young people ranging from 11 to 16 (plus an eight-year-old that the older kids generously allow to participate as a full character - he is actually getting really good at WordRunes).

We run under the original system along with the addendum on Joe's new rules compendium, and we are having an absolute blast.

In my opinion as a non-RPG type with no other experience beyond using DragonRaid in my long-ago teen years, the game runs beautifully. The kids are learning. In the year that we have been doing this, I have seen their scripture memory, prayer skills, and critical thinking advance by leaps and bounds. I give them a passage or two to focus on before each session, as well as WordRunes. But in our last two sessions, the oldest three have surprised me with well-applied WordRunes and scripture passages that I did not direct them toward.

I am excited to spread the news about DragonRaid because it is sorely needed as an effective discipleship learning program in today's Christian community. I am impatient to see greater impact from DragonRaid, but I am resolved to remain steadfast, having faith that Joe and the rest of AFC are working hard behind the scenes to navigate the difficult worlds of Christian networking and publishing and preparing to make the most of the next steps.

God Bless,



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