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Cute Kids

Posted by: root <root@...>

JOKE #1 Cute Kids

On vacation with her family in Montana, a mother drove her
van past a church in a small town and pointing to it, told
the children that it was St. Francis' Church.

"It must be a franchise," her eight-year-old son said.
"We've got one of those in our town too."

A Sunday school teacher challenged her children to take
some time on Sunday afternoon to write a letter to God.
They were to bring back their letter the following Sunday.

One little boy wrote: "Dear God, We had a good time at
church today. Wish You could have been there."

Bouncing out of her first day in nursery school at Mount
Moriah Presbyterian Church in Port Henry, N.Y., a three-
year-old girl gleefully informed her mother: "We had juice
and Billy Graham crackers!"

Rev. David A. Stammerjohn, pastor of Laboratory
Presbyterian Church, Washington, Pa., spent a week at the
Synod school with his two children. The school's theme
focused on Moses and the Exodus.

When they returned home, his five-year-old daughter
excitedly greeted her mother: "Guess what, Mommy. We made
unleaded bread!"

The old pastor made it a practice to visit the parish
school one day a week. He walked into the fourth-grade
class, where the children were studying the states, and
asked them how many states they could name.

They came up with about 40 names. He jokingly told them
that in his day, students knew the names of all the states.

One lad raised his hand and said, "Yes, but in those days
there were only 13."

Four-year-old Tucker Jones attended the vacation Bible
school at our church.
The theme was "Discipleship and Saving Mother Earth." His
mother, Trish Jones, asked Tucker what he had learned.

He immediately told her all bout "Jesus and the 12


A faithful couple got the bad news from their doctor. They
couldn't have any children. On the way home from the
Doctor they were led to drop by to see their pastor to ask
for prayer.

The Pastor ran an auto repair shop on the side, so they
dropped by the shop. After they explained the situation,
the pastor was led to pray for them on the spot. He looked
around, grabbed a can of three-in-one oil and quickly
blessed it to anoint them.

Sure enough about 9 months later they had triplets. The
couple once again showed up at the pastor's study and as
soon as the woman saw the pastor she ran up to him, threw
her arms around him and gave him the biggest hug.

"What was that all about"? He asked.

She replied "I'm just glad you used three-in-one oil and
not WD-40."