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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

-by David Wilkerson (June 17)

Even while death stalks on all sides, the river of spiritual life is
rising. And it is healing all it touches.

There is a rising tide of spiritual death in many denominations, as
well as in numerous local churches. People are dying spiritually
for lack of God’s solid Word of truth.

Isn’t it ironic that while in Russia, China and Eastern bloc
Communistic countries people are turning to the Lord with great
spiritual hunger and thirst – while here in America, abortionists,
pornographers and dead denominations are spreading death and
mockery of sacred things?

Thank God, his divine purposes will not be hindered one iota. Even
now the Spirit of the Lord is moving throughout the world. And
here in America, we see pockets of revival and great spiritual hunger.

Are you experiencing more hunger for the Lord and his Word than
ever before? That is the work of the Holy Spirit, as he sovereignly
raises up a holy remnant. Here in New York City, we are
experiencing a flood of God-hungry people who come to church
early and leave late. People from all walks of life are becoming
conformed to the image of Jesus – rich, poor, homeless, from all
nationalities. People are visiting from all over the world, and they
too are witnessing “waters to swim in.”

The river is rising, and it is bringing spiritual life to all it touches. May
it touch you where you are.

-David Wilkerson.

(c) 2008 World Challenge, Inc.