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D-Worm for Kittens/Cats & Dogs and ??

Posted by: kmat <kmat@...>


I have a question about a product that I bought at our feed mill.
A friend who visited me last week (who has four cats) said she thought our
three little kittens might have worms (little bloated bellies). I thought
was from feeding them goats milk!

I bought a product called D-Worm, the active ingredient is Piperazine
(equivalent to 4.25 grams Piperazine Base per 100cc). I was told at the
feed mill that it would be safe to give to the kittens (there is a dosage
on it per their weight) even if they don't have worms. Anyone know if that
is accurate? The product says not to worm animals more than twice yearly.

The lady there also mentioned that one of her customers says he uses it with
all of his animals (chickens included), that he puts it in their water.
Would this
be safe for laying hens??

We don't have the cash to take the kittens to the vet to be checked. I'm
wondering if I should use this for our two dogs? I appreciate anyone's
on this product, or other products used for their cats (kittens) and dogs.

in MN