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Daisy Patch Farm is up and running again

Posted by: plain_sister_ <plain_sister_@...>

Well after so many trials and errors, warranty work and replacements, I am finally back online with a keyboard that works--the one they sent doesn't work on Windows 8--so much for warranty replacements.  So happy to be back with everyone.  Just to let you know that it will take me a while to bring you up to date with all that has happened.  We are in the house again, such as it is, and managing to stay reasonably warm.  Second morning woke up to -1 in the bedroom.

We have snow, lots of it, county had to dig us out.  Temps have been too low for too long and we are fixing to be slammed again.  As for those of you who don't live in WY, your weather has been such that now you don't have to ask about my weather, you are living it.  I am so sorry that you have to endure such severe weather. 

Am working on a skillet casserole for dinner, throwing things together and hoping it edible and tasty.

Bill hasn't worked since we spent the four days in the motel in November, so it's been quiet here.  My washer is frozen, won't spin, so praying that clears up soon, I need to do laundry.  Have my drying racks ready to hang them up, just can't get them washed.  We were without sewer for better than a month and water for 3 weeks.  It's been rough having this much cold so early and for so long.  Praying everyone gets relief soon, a nice early Spring would be great.

Well, I'm going to close and take my shower before the chill sets in.  Will be keeping up daily here on out.  Have finished a 31 day devotional that was a joy to do and am reading the Bible in chronological order in the NLT version, have always used the King James.  I get so into it that I read more than the schedule allots, but love when that happens.

Love and hugs to all, you've been on my mind and in my prayers

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