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Daisy Patch Farm Update 9-4-13

Posted by: plain_sister_ <plain_sister_@...>

Good Morning Ladies,

It's 26 with fog, windchill 5, house temp 40.  Dressed in Bill's fleece pajama pants and one of his shirts, a light sweat jacket and my nightgown.  My dresses aren't any warmer than my nightie, so just added the layers over it to keep from putting cold clothes next to my skin.  We slept warm, just the house temp never got above 45.  Winds are howling outside, snow is over 3 feet deep behind the house, so won't be going anywhere today.  Took some vegetable beef soup out of the freezer to have later and thinking about what to have for supper, maybe breakfast.  Just finished a  bowl of hot oatmeal.

They sent the guys home yesterday because of the weather, don't know if they will be able to work Monday or not with all this moisture.  We had 24 hours of rain before the snow hit.

My plans for the day are on hold, so keeping warm and fed will be my focus.  This reminds me of when we first moved out here.  The furnace never got the rooms above 34, so Emily and I lived in our dresses and Carhardtts (overalls, coveralls and jackets, even sleeping in them.  It was really drafty so used a Kero-Sun to warm the front room and cook on.  Can't use them anymore with the fumes and carbon monoxide. 

George's trial was yesterday, he was found not guilty on two counts--leaving scene of an accident essentially hit and run of a parked car and careless driving.  I let God handle it and He did, so feel justice was served.  Poor George was broken hearted that anyone would even think he could do something like that.  He is without power today, but said he was okay, lots of oxygen, clothes and food.  Hoping his power goes on soon.

Well, that's about all for today.  Keeping you all in thought and prayer.


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