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Daisy Patch Farm update for October 1 2013

Posted by: plain_sister_ <plain_sister_@...>

Good Morning Ladies,

Pray everyone is well this day and those that aren't that healing will come soon.  I managed to char my thumb knuckle this weekend trying to get a casserole out of my little convection oven.  No pain except where the skin is off, but then only the tingle like a scrape.  Trying to keep it clean, but today I will be doing dishes so am putting a touch of bleach in the wash water.

Lots of snow fell between Thursday and Friday morning.  It was beautiful, but after a day of rain made for treacherous driving in the mud, I wasn't looking forward to leaving home.

We had a good weekend for a change.  Bill got in around lunch Friday.  Too much rain and snow, they can't work in the mud on this job doing the Interstate.  I hadn't eaten breakfast and we had lots to do in town, so stopped at the truck stop for the catfish special.  It was really good.  Then we shopped for items needed to fix or replace on the RV and some things Neighbor Mayleen needed done.  Got home about supper time, put everything away, had a snack and then just visited with each other before going to bed.

Thursday night I didn't get any sleep because the RV was so cold and Bill got a taste of it on Friday night.  Even with two of us in bed and lots of warm blankets, it was miserable until about 3 when we finally warmed up enough to go to sleep.  Found out the heater fan didn't have enough power to circulate the heat, so Bill put a small fan in back of it and that's when it started warming up in here.  We slept in Saturday morning until Neighbor Mayleen called at 7, she had slipped off the bed and couldn't get up.  I jumped and ran, got her up and settled before coming back home to cook a nice breakfast, which ended up more like a brunch.  Got Bill's laundry done.  Made the casserole that afternoon and ate about four, had orange danish rolls and coffee and watched a 1937 Myrna Loy/William Powell movie and slept really well now that it was warm in here.

Sunday, cooked breakfast, got Bill's clothes packed and started dinner.  Had pork roast left over from last week, added some kale and baked sweet potatoes for sides.  Fixed mixed veggies for Neighbor Mayleen since she doesn't eat kale or much in the line of veggies, but does like plain sweet potatoes.  On the way out, we dropped off her dinner, I watered the cows and Bill filled the feeders with hay, then we headed to the shop to catch the company bus to Rawlins at 6.  I stopped to pick up some extra veggies to make vegetable beef soup.  It was nice not having to spend the whole weekend cooking non-stop.  Had the chance to enjoy cooking but relaxing too. 

We had 75+ winds yesterday and I hurt my shoulder trying to hang onto the door, sent me sailing into the side of the RV and down on the ground.  So had to postpone bringing soup to Neighbor Mayleen until today.  After I finish my work, I need to look for her tax papers and then I'll bring her some soup before lunch time.  Tomorrow I'll fix red beans and rice to help warm this place since we either run the heater or cook, but can't do both.   Want to fix gumbo Friday and maybe chicken pot pie Saturday or Sunday.  Thinking about only using half the beans for the red beans and rice and the rest for a small pot of chili.  That should keep us warm. 

The temps are going down into the twenties.  It was supposed to be 44 last night, but it was below freezing when I got up.  Sunrise was gorgeous this morning, a soft peach at the horizon and a soft blush of color as it faded into a pale blue.

Ran into my old landlord yesterday at the grocery.  He took a bad fall and wasn't looking to chipper.  Told me his sweet wife Jeanne is in Shepherd of the Valley Nursing Home so will be going to see her later today.  He wants to take me to lunch.  Gave him my cell and told him to call me anytime day/night if he needed help.  He told me I was a good girl, always was a good girl.  Had to laugh.  I watched over his son before he died of a heart attack in 2002 and I inherited his poodles.  He introduced me as his daughter at the funeral.   George has diabetes and severe asthma and is allergic to animals.   They are the ones that gave us the antique doors and white picket fence off the old house for the one up here when we moved.  Really great people.  I'll need to keep an eye on him, he's 92.

Well, time to get some work done and get my breakfast going.  Have some leftover biscuits, will make some gravy and call it good.  Been talking to Bill for the last half hour.    Will answer some posts when I take a break later.  Have a great day and know you are in my prayers.

Love to all,

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