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Dana - Questions

Posted by: Savannah436 <Savannah436@...>

Hello Dana,
Thank you so much for your note and willingness to answer some questions
that I had about Tennessee. First, are you close to shopping centers or at
least not far from them? My husband is a butcher here in Jersey and I'm
aware that the grocery store chains are different down there than up here.
They are union up here and I know the pay would be higher, but I don't know
how much higher or if there is a need for that type of work there. We would
like to have land and become self-sufficient, but know that it would take
time for that. Any information you could give me would be great. 🙂
I also wanted to tell you that when I read the post about your son and
auto insurance and his honesty, I fully could understand!!! Something very
similar happened to my son, Paul, who is now 23. He was involved in an auto
accident here which wasn't his fault and also received a ticket for the
accident. It was the townships fault due to large barrels they had in the
road due to construction. There were several accidents due to this
construction. Anyway, he received auto insurance points (I don't know if only
Jersey drivers get them) plus the ticket for the accident and he had received
one earlier traveling home from my son's house in N.C. late at night in
Maryland on Interstate 95. Well, because we didn't cheat like a lot of people
do here in Jersey on their insurance, my son had to pay $5,880.00 per year
for three years!!! He just about worked for his car and insurance. Paul is
a Christian and we have always taught him right is right, even if you seem to
be the only one doing it. It is a hard lesson for our sons to learn but it
really is good for them and does teach them godly Christian character.
Please tell your son, to be thankful he doesn't live in Jersey 🙂

Don't do it privately!!! I'm in TN also and would love to hear your
questions! I'm in the Southern part of Middle Tennessee. The weather is
great! If you don't like the weather today, you only have to wait until
tomorrow for the change! Its a great place for gardens, kids and swimming
pools! The cost of living is much lower than other places, but the pay
rates can be lower also. What kind of jobs are you intersted in? Hubby
works for Teledyne, government defense contracting and electronics. There
is lots of jobs in the music and recording industry here. A great Christian
music industry too, not just country. We're in Tennessee Walking horse
country, lots of jobs around that.

Dh has just started a business filling potholes in parking lots. Seems like
we've hit a good thing here! I love livoing in TN. Our homeschooling laws
are not too awfully strict.

Ask away!
