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Day of Prayer

Posted by: laceup <laceup@...>


The news this morning is almost too much to comprehend. This cowardly
attack on the World Trade Center is unprecedented in the premeditated
murder of civilians. I'm hearing numbers of over 10,000 dead (though the
count is just a guess at this point). To put this in perspective, the
attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, took 2,400 lives. The frightening thing is
that most likely, the perpetrators carried out these dastardly deeds for
religious reasons. Argument could be made that the attack on the Pentagon
had a military goal, but many innocent civilians were aboard the hijacked
plane used as a Kamikazi-style human bomb.

All right-thinking people decry the outrage.

This morning, I stopped by my neighborhood convenience store, which is
owned and run by Middle-Easterners. The owner, large, healthy young man of
probably 30, was in tears for what (he believes) was his fellow countrymen
had done.

As Christians, we have responsibilities in a world-effecting event like
this. As a community of we who identify ourselves as Christians, I am
asking you all to dedicate as much time today as you can in prayers of
peace, and that the perpetrator of these crimes against humanity be brought
to justice. Additionally, many people's lives are affected by this --
those who lost family members or friends, or whose livelihoods are lost due
to the financial problems these events are causing. As Believers, God
calls us to console those who don't have the same faith we have. In spite
of what the chaotic events could lead us to believe, Our God Reigns! These
events did NOT come as a surprise to Him, and (even though my finite mind
can't understand) somehow will lead to His Purpose being fulfilled. It has
been my experience that through tragedies -- either personal or more
wide-spread -- cause people to rethink their world view. This can be a
great opportunity for them to be reached with the Gospel. 1st Peter
3:15-16 says, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be
prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for
the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a
clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good
behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander."


Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Your brother in Christ,
Dave Shoemaker