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Posted by: Crochetclara <Crochetclara@...>

I have been retired from public work for three years. None of my days
are the same anymore. My two children are grown... (Lisa Moreno on this
list is one of them,) and my son still lives at home. My husband cooks
breakfast every morning, not because he has to, but because he wants to.
He likes to get out of bed at the crack of dawn, and I get my best sleep
between 5 am and 8 am. So he lets me sleep and I let him cook. He will
bring me a cup of coffee around 7:30. Then... I get up and clean up the
dishes and the kitchen. I then get me a second cup of coffee, read the
paper, then read my e-mail. Sometimes I make the beds at this point, and
sometimes I let them go and start working in the yard. I can stay out
there all day digging in the dirt, and watering things. I help my DH in
the garden also. And most everyday my DH thinks of something he needs from
Walmart. And for some reason he cannot seem to find it without me. So I
tag along just to keep him happy. We eat a light lunch, then somewhere
around 5pm I cook our evening meal. After that is over, I either read or
crochet. Lisa lives two hrs away, so about every other week we go for a
visit with her and her family. I go to church on Sundays, It is
wonderful to be retired and to be able to do just what you feel like doing.
I am so thankful for my health and for all the many blessing God has
bestowed upon us. ISN'T LIFE GREAT??????