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dead Digi's aren't much fun

Posted by: kls <kls@...>

My Digitech RP200A died a horrible death. It was totally unexpected. Of course it was also a Sunday morning before service. The unit powers up but nothing comes out. Changed cables, changed channels on the P.A. even tried headphones - nothing. I took it apart and there is nothing serviceable in there. Just a self contained PC board. I was hoping for a loose wire or blown fuse.
I ran the guitar straight through the board Sunday and it sounded about as you might expect but I got through the day. Tuesday at practice I took my old Johnson J-Station (a blast from the past) I couldn't believe how fizzy and brittle it sounded. I had one distortion patch I liked but everyone complained how bad it sounded so I guess I won't be using that one again. Finally set up a clean patch, turned off the piezo and turned the tone knob off and it was passable but not much if any better than running straight through.
The guys I play with liked my 200 so much one bought the same unit and another bought the newer 500. It is really nice but more buttons and bigger than I want to deal with. They both offered to loan theirs but that doesn't solve the problem. Looks like I am going shopping. I wanted to buy a bass but that ain't gonna happen anytime soon now.
Pretty sure I am going to get the RP355 after reading a lot of reviews. Besides a new chip driving it, the selling points for me are a stompbox mode and USB useable interface. Twice the unit the 200 was and cost less now than I paid about 5 years ago.
Any Digitech fans want to offer a review or thought?

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