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Posted by: smarties <smarties@...>


You shouldn't feel like you are imposing with your church family concerning the
holidays. Is there a family who doesn't have any other family near. I was so
lonely for years during the holidays, our family is over 1000 miles away. It
would have been wonderful to spend time with someone else who's family was far
away. I have a close friend here who also doesn't have family near, and we have
spent special times together during holidays. Pray about it, perhaps God will
show you someone who needs your company.
Stay encouraged.

Naturewood Farm & Fiber
Ashford Spinning Wheels and Looms
White & Colored Angoras, Llamas,
Olde English Southdown Sheep

"The way of a fool seems right to him,"

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,
declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isiah 55:8-9